Neskôr v tomto roku budú všetky novoregistrované vozidlá vybavené inteligentným tachografom druhej generácie verzie 2 (G2V2). Čoskoro bude výmena tachografov povinná aj v starších vozidlách v medzinárodnej preprave ????

⚠ Currently, vehicles are fitted with gen 1 smart tachographs, but from this August it will be mandatory to install version 2 second-generation smart tachograph (G2V2).

G2V2 tachograph is equipped with a GNSS tracker and requires the use of the OSNMA service to authorize the GNSS position recorded by the tachograph ???? At the moment, OSNMA is not available yet and for this reason, the European Commission decided to launch 'transitional tachographs'.

????More about the topic you can find in INELO article ⬇

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