To ensure full compliance with the provisions and requirements imposed by the European Commission, a major TachoScan software update to version 6.1.1 was made available for download, offering new functionalities related to driver card data and G2V2 tachographs’ support. Moreover, TachoScan comes with a new Manipulation module, allowing for simple and fast detection of tampering at your company.


What’s new in TachoScan 6.1.1?

  • Complete analysis of files from tachographs and latest generation G2V2 driver cards:
    • digital signatures’ analysis;
    • new data displayed in a daily editing view and in charts;
    • data on automatically registered border crossings and loading/unloading events displayed in charts and in a daily editing view;
    • automated importing of country entries and crossings from tachograph to the card (if the data is not present on the card).
  • New “[153] Tachograph upgrade report”, allowing to quickly verify the generation of tachographs and determine the latest applicable date for their replacement in international transport.
  • Adding new tachographs with an algorithm for counting reputational risk and determining exemptions for posted sections (additional cross-trade operations are exempted from posting only for transportation with G2V2 tachographs).
  • Added functionality allowing for importing driver cards/tachographs’ events on the loading/unloading list for marking sections as posted.

Tachoscan Manipulation Module – eliminate any irregularities

The update expands Tachoscan with the Manipulation module, showing 29 types of warnings on potential tampering events divided into 3 groups, suggesting how to verify whether the presented warning represents an actual tampering event. The Manipulation Module tells you whether:

  • the drivers tamper with the tachographs;
  • the drivers drive without the card or use several cards;
  • there was no calibration mistake that may qualify as tampering;
  • you face high penalties and reputation damage due to data tampering.

The latest TachoScan version also brings a number of other important functionalities. A detailed list of TachoScan 6.1.1 updates is available here.

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